Asset and People Tracking IoT Platform

Improve regulation & profitability of your assets by using real-time insights and envision future events.

A fully unified tracking solution designed from the field up to track any asset or device.

Being able to continuously and dynamically track the status of your assets and the people can be a big deciding factor in the decisions you make. Tracking can control when you need to send out reports and alerts and also when to bring things for maintenance. Keeping tabs on these things ensures that you always stay one step ahead of the community being able to maximise efficiency as well as monitoring any dangerous activity or unsafe behaviours such as speeding or emergency braking.

From tracking thousands of crates and their inventory levels in real time


Benefits & Outcomes

Enhance your business operations harnessing the power of your data

Increased Productivity

We translate your location based data into insights & action. By making data-backed decisions Improve your productivity and lower your operational costs

Real Time Analytics & Monitoring

Real-Time Data Stream Processing continuously collects data as it's generated and promptly reacts to critical information. Visualize data and obtain valuable business insight on devices, people, assets ,and more.

Better Control Less Surprises

Understand the complete picture of your tracked assets. From location, to violation. know in real time where they are and get alerted when they are not where they should be.

Predictive Analytics

Leveraging your organization's business knowledge, real time location data and applying our sophisticated data analysis techniques start surfacing potential issues before they happen.

Remote Device Management

Register devices with unique identifiers for authentication. Inject metadata into raw device data. Create device for easier bulk groups management Send commands to devices on demand.

Device And Data Agnostics

Down-time is always aimed to be kept to an absolute minimum to optimise factory performance. This section essentially summarises the final effects of all the different features.

Our Locations.


Head office
Level 10 34 Shortland St,
Auckland, 1010, NZ